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The End……

January 9, 2011

Well, two months ago, I had these big plans for The Thomas Society blog and it’s revamp. They were good plans. Solid Plans. Amazing plans.

But, circumstances have moved faster than I ever could have imagined. The Faithful has been getting out into the world, slowly and surely. The starred review in the Library Journal caused a huge explosion in December. Along with that, I started writing for TAPS Paranormal magazine on the Horror genre and the need for critical thought.

But, believe it or not, things have gotten even bigger. I have just written a screenplay for a major Hollywood film. I can’t give any details as of yet, but trust me, it’s gonna be huge. Second, I also have some Hollywood producers seriously discussing making The Faithful into a movie. And, as you can guess, I’m writing the screenplay as we speak.

Finally, a new magazine called Intrepid Magazine has asked me to be one of their contributing writers. This is a very interesting magazine. It’s going to have articles on politics, science, culture, religion, paranormal, you name it. My area will be culture/religion as you might guess. The first issue comes out March 1st and I have an article in that issue called “Dialogue, Not Debate”.  I’ll also have a blog on the website that will basically take the place of my presence here.

Why do this? Well, there are a number of reasons. First, I feel like The Thomas Society has served it’s time. If it ever comes back, it will be in an entirely different way. Second, I’ll be honest, money. The Intrepid gig could turn into paying thing in the long run as we gain subscribers and advertisers. Let’s face it, writing isn’t exactly a well paying profession. And, the little St. Thomas’ have to eat

I have loved The Thomas Society blog. We have had some great discussion. I’ll leave the blog up for anyone who wants to research any discussion we have had here. Be assured that the principles we tried to embody will live on….

Remember, Thomasites….question everything…..

2 Comments leave one →
  1. January 10, 2011 1:21 am

    That’s exciting news, and it appears things are going well for you. It would seem that we are very far from hearing the last of you though, we just won’t be reading it here.

    I’ve enjoyed reading and participating here. In the ongoing debates between Faith and Reason, you represent a viewpoint – a rational sort of Faith – that doesn’t get nearly the attention it deserves. Thank you for your time and efforts.

    Please keep the updates coming too.

    And maybe just one more Attie? 🙂

  2. Jonathan Weyer permalink*
    January 10, 2011 10:10 am

    Oh, Tomato, the Attie’s will be coming with me, never fear…..

    And I appreciate your comments, thanks very much.

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